September 2021 Newsletter
It’s hard to imagine that it has only been 6 months since my last newsletter in February ! Back then, there was little visibility on what the future would bring and I was talking about weathering the storm together to navigate the rough waters we have all be riding. Whilst I still don’t hold a crystal ball to see the future, it certainly seems as though we have all got used to living with the unexpected and living with COVID. We have all made massive changes to adapt to the situation, and in many cases these changes are very positive.
Since May/June we have felt a change in the market. Companies seem to be recruiting again and keeping us very busy with requests for top talents not only in Switzerland but also around Europe. Requests are “urgent” underlining the fact that the business needs are there, that companies are more confident about the future, and are keen to get things moving after the last 18 months of “go slow”. Our Talent Development team have been busy throughout the pandemic and continue to be so. This underlines that when the going gets tough its important to focus on development to ensure that we are ahead of the crowd when the economy takes off and this has certainly proved to be the case !
We won’t be holding any physical events yet for this last quarter, but we still plan to host an on-line “Lunch n’ Learn” for our clients – You’ll have to bring your own lunch as its on line, but we will be introducing an interesting guest speaker who will bring you lots of innovative insights.
We will also be hosting another on-line “Alumni Club event”. We are proud of the vast number of candidates we have been able to place over the last 30 years, and these events allow us to keep in touch, hear of their successes and to continue to contribute to their careers. This event will be offering free coaching on how to lead via video conference/à distance with live coaching sessions during the event.
So on this note I would like to wish you a happy, healthy and successful road to the end of the year. If we can assist you either in Talent Acquisition or Talent Development please don’t hesitate to reach out !
Linda Jaquillard, Director