Time is flying by! It seems like only yesterday that I was writing to you in January about our plans for the year and here we are already in June!
I am happy to say that our Talent Development consultant, Claire-Cathelaz-Larner, has been very busy building new programs and services. Specifically, and ideal for the period, we have designed for you and your teams, a special “One Day One Team Retreat”!
- Teams have had few opportunities to gather together offsite over the past 2 years, they are now free to do so
- Teams have been through a number of changes internally: reorganisations, with new comers onboarding virtually, digitalisation, rapid growth etc
- And teams now work in hybrid contexts mixing onsite and home office work, they need to reinforce their ties in this new set up, progressively transforming any weak links
- Before breaking up for the Summer or Xmas holidays or to reunite after coming back from holidays
These retreats take place in select settings in the Lac Leman region or any other region of your choice, and combine a unique workshop around what it takes to have the best collaboration and communication embedded in your team’s specific set of dynamics, with a fun outdoor activity!
If you would like more information or to book a date please contact Claire directly: claire.cathelaz-larner@finders.ch.
The Recruitment Division has also been extremely busy since the beginning of the year, with positions based all over Europe and of course Switzerland at management level. If you need any support don’t forget to call Sally Trigues or Valerie Isabel or indeed myself….
We are holding our first in presence event for our Alumni Club (placed candidates) on 30 June which will be announced shortly and lastly but by no means least, we will be hosting our first live Lunch n’Learn since the pandemic early September to launch business after the holiday season.
Looking forward to collaborating with you again soon!
Linda Jaquillard, Director