Leader AND Team Development
Combining Individual Leadership and Team Talent Development to deliver best results, merging collective intelligence with emotional intelligence!
A team of experts is not always an expert team!
Technical skills versus Soft skills and Leadership skills
Strong technical skills have placed individuals at the top of the company hierarchy, in charge of teams of all sizes, but without any real talent to lead or manage them.
On another front teams have often been put together, again because of their team members technical skills only, without any assessment of their interactive capabilities
Companies are more and more engaged in setting things straight by developing those non-technical skills in their Leaders and in their Teams.
Targeted Individual Leadership development: 360 Assessment and Executive coaching
Leaders need to develop their leadership skills to be able to mobilise, motivate, whilst bringing vision and supporting the purpose of the mission. They need to accompany their teams throughout their objectives, using developed communication skills, showing support and understanding, whilst remaining solution-oriented.
After assessing the skills to be developed via a 360 Assessment, a roadmap is set for the Leader to improve the identified missing skills and modify his positioning, via an Executive coaching programme.
However, this needs to be combined with the development of the team’s talents and ability to work together.
Team Talent Development: 5 important factors
Moving away from individual assessments and the often finger-pointing side effect they can have, Team Development exercises are just as important.
A number of Team Development tools focus directly on boosting interaction within teams, via workshops and Team building activities; few measure those specific important factors, necessary to produce Team performance.
The GAP Performance Diagnostic tool, for example, measures these factors, so that a customised development roadmap can then be set for the team and it’s leader together.

Finally Working together!
With the focus on individual and team Talent Development, employee satisfaction and retention will grow whilst decreasing the amount of stressful workplaces, where people do not feel aligned and fulfilled.