Find - Recruitment Division
Optimise - HR Consultancy
Succeed - Integrated HR Consultancy
Quality · Experience · Accuracy

To find the role or person you want

Practical · Cutting Edge · HR Interventions

To maximise performance of leaders and teams

An Integrated HR Solution

To measurably increase performance

We provide an integrated HR solution to meet the many and varied needs of your business

Finders is a recruitment and HR consultancy specialising in executive search for middle and top management 

The role of HR within today’s competitive commercial world demands organisations not only find excellent people but optimise their effectiveness within the business.   

To meet this need, Finders offers a unique integrated solution. With our Recruitment division, we help companies recruit the best managers in Switzerland and internationally. We use headhunting or executive search methodology as well as advertising and selection. 

With our HR Consulting division, we help companies optimise the effectiveness of their talents. Using gap analysis tools, we are able to identify the needs and put in place coaching, training and blended learning solutions to fill those gaps and optimise individual’s or team performance. 

Based in Lausanne, Geneva and Zürich, Finders offers a fully comprehensive, tailor-made and client-based HR solution for companies of all sizes.

Here is a short video summary of the services we offer. Press play! 

We are committed to tangibly increasing the value of human capital,
thereby contributing to corporate and individual success.

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We are very proud to have worked with many well known brands including: