As we gradually build hope in emerging from this pandemic, there are evident changes in what we perceive, the way we perceive it and how we move forward to a healthy, sustainable future.
Our world is, I believe, now including and becoming increasingly appreciative of the feminine principle. After all this is the basis of the natural world. We are moving from fixed structures, economy driven choices and more-more-more … to a holistic, nurture driven and sustainable way of being. It is early days, but I believe it is essential that as women we voice the feminine perspective. That each meeting we attend, each email we send is flavoured with that feminine awareness that breathes life into people, projects and ideas. Many of us women have long tried to apply and wear the male principles; but as we did with the padded shoulders of our 80’s power suits, it’s time to cast those away and walk the feminine path. We need a balance of male and female for best results in teams and boardrooms.
As we approach this special day “International Women’s Day” on March 8th, I invite all women to consider these questions: How far have we come? How can we bring our unique contribution wrapped in care, kindness and nurture, with real sustainable growth at its core, to our individual worlds?
This got me thinking about the roles, challenges and unique contributions women bring to both the home and working environment.
Our Authentic Leadership work at Finders centres on developing a true sense of self. Understanding fully our drivers, our passions and our values; then consciously using those to understand, shape and deliver our unique contribution. Working from the inside out is effective and lasting. We see this in sports people. Many have the technical capability, but unless your heart is in it you simply don’t achieve elite status.
To arrive at this “Self-Knowledge” on the My Way programme we explore these three elements:
Your Anchor: we are navigating increasingly volatile and constantly changing seas today. What do we have available to us 100% of the time no matter where we are or what is happening? We have our passions, our values …. these are what drive us, guide us and hold us steady; if we remember to honour them and align with them. How defined and strong is your anchor? How easily do you get blown off course, feel disorientated and unsure? These anchor elements shape our unique contribution, what we bring with us each time we walk into a room or engage in a project. Which brings us to …
Your Map: given your unique contribution … where does that play-out best? What is your territory? Within that territory, what are your now, near and far goals? What are the obstacles or challenges on that particular map? The clarity on these factors supports our planning, decision making, and therefore reduces stress levels. How clear is your personal territory? How aligned are your goals and that territory to your anchor? And how do you action that in your team?
Your Compass: here we have our built-in tool to maintain alignment between our anchor and our map. This is our self-awareness, our emotional intelligence. This is strengthened over time with positive, personal enquiry and appreciation, which is how we deliver this work. We are constantly fine tuning our compass with honest reflection, feedback and compassion.
So what has all this to do with International Women’s day? Well, I asked the question “How would this work vary, if we apply specifically a Woman’s’ Lens”? The adjectives that emerge when we do the anchor work, could apply to either gender, so it isn’t there exactly. The map however, involves some differences. And the territory that a woman navigates her way through, will ask different questions of and draw out varied combinations of elements from her anchor, to remain true to self and to the feminine.
When I asked my colleague this question, she concluded that there is also a difference in the storms we face, the nature, ferocity and duration of some storms can make us so weary, that we almost give up on them in a form of acceptance or tolerance. “That’s just how it is!” Is a common thought.
If ever there were a time, a greater opportunity for change, it is now. Many speak of going “back” but I sincerely hope we use this profoundly transformative episode to move forward with grace. To deepen our enquiry into the fundamental building blocks of what makes each of us so unique, and to relish the sense of becoming all that we were designed to be.
To find out more about the My Way, and Women’s Way programmes email us at info@finders.careers

Leadership & Performance Coach