Company Mandatory Preventive Measures
Finders puts the health safety of its staff, candidates and clients as a number one priority. We are regularly updating our policies and procedures in line with the measures indicated by the Federal Office of Public Health directives.

Our objective is to conduct most of our interviews and client meetings via video conference. When the nature of the position or circumstances dictate, we will conduct face-to-face interviews/meetings, but then any person coming into our offices must declare that they are symptom free and then follow our standard office hygiene policy when on our premises.
Staff members are requested not to travel abroad.
All staff are equipped to work from home and are currently doing so until further notice.
When it is deemed safe, and provided this is in compliance with the FOSP directives, staff coming into the office are encouraged to do so by car, and if using public transport are encouraged to do so outside of peak hours and wearing a face mask. Flexible working hours are in vigour.
DO NOT enter the premises if you are showing any of the symptoms of COVID-19 – i.e. temperature, runny nose, dry cough, breathing difficulties.
Once on the premises:
- DO NOT shake hands or have any physical contact with anyone
- Wash your hands regularly with the disinfectant soap at your disposition
- Use the hand sanitizers made available to you
- Use the disinfectant wipes to regularly clean your phone, PC, mouse, work top, door handles etc. throughout the day and definitely at the end of the day.
- When using a shared item such as the printer, coffee machine, please disinfect your hands prior to the usage. If needed, wipe the object afterwards.
- When using cutlery or glasses, cups, please clean them by hand directly after usage using hot water and soap.
- The air should be renewed 4x times a day for 10 minutes at a time
- If you do cough or sneeze, do so into a paper tissue (and dispose of it in the toilets), or the crook of your arm.

If you are showing any of the symptoms listed above (temperature, runny nose, dry cough, breathing difficulties) YOU MUST work from home and remain isolated for 10 days and only return to work/the public once you have spent 24 hours symptom free.
Standard office hygiene policy for staff and visitors

Every person entering the Finders office should disinfect their hands upon arrival by the main entrance and clean their hands.
They should do the same when leaving the Finders premises.
The main door of the bathroom, kitchen and staff offices shall remain open so as to limit the use of the door handle. Interview room door can be closed during interview.
Only one person is allowed access to the bathroom area at a time.
Only two people are allowed access to the kitchen area at one time.
All newspapers, documents and reading materials will be removed.
Visitors are asked to touch as little as possible.
Do not shake hands with the people entering the office.
Visitors are asked to hang their coats/belongings themselves on the hangers provided and which will be disinfected after every use.
If visitors should display any symptoms of COVID-19 or be diagnosed as carrying the virus, subsequent to being in our offices, please advise the Finders office immediately.
A minimum distance of 2m between employees and/or visitors must l be respected at all times.
When a face to face interview/meeting is deemed necessary, the interview table will be furnished with the plexiglass separator.
The sole waiting area will be in the hall, with chairs seated 2m apart.
If the distance cannot be kept for a reason (ie. Training), the use of masks on all participants is mandatory.
If you show any symptoms of the COVID 19 prior to interview/meeting please call to postpone the appointment. Staff stay and work from home.
We are now delivering a new service during the COVID-19 pandemic – the ASP Coaching

Coaching can be delivered in English (Brigitte Jaquillard) or in French (Claire Cathelaz-Larner) by our specialist coaches.
For more details, please contact and to book your coaching.