It has been a busy 6 months and I can’t believe we are now into the last stretch before Christmas! Where did the year go?
You probably know Finders most for its recruitment division, but did you know that since 2019 we have a dedicated Talent Development team? We aim to optimize your employees Performance and Leadership skills with specialized executive coaching programs and trainings. Our latest package is our Leadership and Team Performance Booster : download it here.
In September we hosted a Lunch & Learn session set in the beautiful greenery of the Vallée de Joux, in the form of a case study presentation, of a recent transformation and development mandate.
The program presented in the case study drove measurable change within a department, across 17 teams (200 staff) and 3 layers of management. It laid down the conditions to increase specific performance factors, developing Leadership skills, communication, collaboration and raising engagement, within a context of strong business and headcount growth, and digitalization.
We also participated to the Salon RH this year. It was good to attend an event after these last 2 years of enclosure and the participation was much better than expected. We hosted drinks on our stand which was followed by a very interactive round table, animated by our Talent Development Consultant – Claire Cathelaz-Larner. She was joined by Mikaël Karlström, Group Head of Leadership, Learning & Knowledge from Bobst and via video link by Jérôme Koechlin, Head of Communications from Reyl private bank. The subject of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Today was an animated subject with interesting views expressed not only by our round table but also the workshop participants. If you were unable to attend and would like to listen to the discussion, click here.
Our Recruitment team is very busy, but we have definitely noticed a change in the employment market. Candidates are difficult to source. They usually have multiple offers to choose from, and if our clients do manage to make an offer and be the employer of choice, the candidate often receives a counter-offer from his/hers current employer. So our job is very much on marketing the benefits of a given job and company, and we hope that our clients will also adapt to the market and use persuasive methods to convince the candidate to sign with them. Don’t hesitate to contact sally.trigues@finders.ch or myself if you have any recruitment needs.
Wishing you a warm, I hope, Autumn and a successful conclusion to a very busy year!