Only 6 more months until Christmas – doesn’t time fly!!
It’s been a busy first 6 months of the year at Finders:
New platform and new assessment
We migrated to a new platform to manage our recruitment and HR Consulting activities which was not without its challenges. However, we are beginning to take advantage of the considerably advanced sourcing tools and techniques, and administration automation. We are now very keen to develop our Assessment Centres service. Using the state-of the-art technology we can now run online candidate assessments, using a case study method within a timed and often pressured context. The results show not only the candidate’s/employee’s competencies, but also measures pain points during the assessment and areas of improvement. This is all delivered to you, the client, in an online visual report with videos and analyses of how the candidate performed during the assessment… and all this at a very reasonable price! For more information please reach out to me: linda.jaquillard@finders.ch
Lunch & Learn
We ran a very successful Lunch n’Learn co-hosted with our partner Aequivalent on “candidate integrity”. The participants all expressed how useful the event was and we will be hosting our next Lunch n’Learn in September to launch the “reprise” after the Summer holidays. More information to follow…
IT Consultant
Valerie Dugimont who joined us at the beginning of the year to handle IT recruitments has settled in well and is beginning to establish a solid database of clients and candidates. If you need assistance in any IT recruitments, don’t hesitate to contact her: valerie.dugimont@finders.ch.
Salon RH
We are preparing our participation to the Salon RH again this year. Interestingly it will be held in Lausanne (rather than Palexpo, Geneva) so we are keen to see if more of our clients from the Neuchâtel/Fribourg area will be able to join. Our Talent Development consultant Claire Larner will be hosting a round table on “Change Management – Retours d’expérience en entreprise” with guest speakers from Medtronic and Orllati Management and hopefully others to join.
The Finders team will be fully operational throughout the Summer months, but we seize the opportunity to wish you all a happy holiday period and remain at your disposal.
Linda Jaquillard