The success of any company is largely due to the skills, expertise and motivation of its employees. So how best to keep all three areas exceeding expectations? From early childhood we are all motivated by praise, goal-setting, and “learning to do things better”…. So why should this stop when we become adult and enter professional life?
Many companies do set goals. Some have sophisticated performance appraisal systems ….but many don’t and the end of year review is often considered a tedious, sometimes daunting, and usually “time-consuming affair”. Worst still, the results very often are not really actioned, no improvement plans are developed. Best case the assessor and the employee walk away with a feeling that the assessment went OK, worst case they could walk away demotivated, and more importantly continue to perform at a less than optimal level.
At Finders, we believe that continuous improvement should be at the heart of Human Resources, and knowing that an internal HR function is often under huge pressure to deliver on all fronts, we have developed a simple, easy to apply tool which addresses performance management at any level of the organisation, and at any time of the year – as a result of a formal performance appraisal process or to resolve an issue or indeed to enhance the performance of your top talent.
Out of the variety of assessment methods, the 360° feedback survey is recognised as one of the most reliable tools to help leaders identify strengths and weaknesses and determine areas of focus to develop their effectiveness. Our 360° programs are rolled out in a consistent approach, aligned with each organisation’s culture and supporting their organisational performance. Our programs help to:
· Build leadership and managerial capabilities
· Promote behaviours and values consistently across the organization
· Raise leaders and managers’ awareness of their visibility and modelling role hence their need to demonstrate adequate behaviours
· Enlarge leaders and managers’ perspective and increase their accountability for their career development.
Basically, our approach has a developmental focus for both the individual and your organisation.
The Survey used is a research based and experience tested 360° tool which covers a set of leadership and management skills commonly displayed by successful leaders across a variety of high-performing organisations. It provides high qualitative feedback on an individual’s behavioural performance by aggregating perceptions from diverse perspectives – boss, peers, colleagues, others/clients and stakeholders. You can therefore confront your own assessment with those of your co-workers and benchmark also your ratings against those of leaders in other organizations. Standard reports include comprehensive overviews of scorings in regards to skills, important skills for success, hidden strengths (underestimated) and blind spots (overestimated skills) along with text advice generated by the comments of “raters”.
The process is run by one of our experienced consultants in all areas of performance/talent management and designed specifically to your needs. In order to live up to its name “A learning Journey”, we strive to provide a qualitative delivery of the 360° feedback process and above all to provide an actionable Individual Development Plan that can either be delivered with your in-house resources, or through coaching with our accredited consultants.
The HR Consultancy division of Finders was launched more than 15 years ago. It comprises a team of highly qualified HR professionals, who have all worked in-house prior to joining the team and delivering consulting services to our clients. We aim to provide support to any busy HR department by out-sourcing tasks, projects and HR processes that time or resources do not permit in-house. Together we will help you provide the value added support that your business needs.
Finders celebrated its 25 year anniversary in October 2015! We are proud to say that we have developed a solid reputation built on the efficiency and professionalism of our services and the discretion, experience and quality of each of our consultants. Our strength lies in our unique integrated solution
….. with our Recruitment Consultancy division. Targeted at middle to senior management permanent recruitment, which comprises 3 teams specialised by professions:
“Business” handling mandates in the HR, marketing/sales, finance/accounting, and supply chain professions
“IT” – handling IT and telecom professions
“Banking and legal” professions
Our consultants are all highly qualified and experienced not only on the local market but also at an international level. All interviews are conducted using our own in-house developed competency-based interviewing method which contributes to an even more in-depth evaluation of the competencies and behaviours of every candidate.
In our view, Finding the right candidate is no longer enough….In this competitive landscape, retaining and developing those people is crucial to the success of any business!
….. with the support of Finders HR Consultancy team and its tools! All our consultants have worked in different industry sectors before joining the team. They are all generalists each with a different specialisation (C&B, talent and performance management, OD, payroll/pension). When they are attributed to a project they very quickly adapt to the environment and culture of your organisation thereby being immediately operational. They can provide a neutral and objective recommendation and can often assist in managing difficult, emotional or political situations.
Projects fall under Strategic: Organisation Design, Audits, C&B Analysis, creating compensation levels, process development, or
Operational: managing the HR function for start-ups and SMEs, replacing a missing person on your HR team for a period, HR administration, Payroll and Pension insourcing or outsourcing.
Our consultants work according to the needs of the project – part or full-time regularly or from time to time – they don’t work: you don’t pay!
Both divisions use a range of optimising tools to increase the level of performance in your organisation:
Assessment centres – to identify development needs/to help choose your future leaders/to evaluate candidates in real live situations.
A Learning Journey – performance management process based on 360° giving you and your talent an Individual Development Plan
Team Management Systems – a psychometric evaluation tool to evaluate a person’s preference in the workplace/to use as a teambuilding tool/to evaluate the needs of a position.
Coaching – to implement your IPD plans or simply improve your talents’ leadership skills
Finders-ROLIn solution – a blended learning solution designed and delivered by specialists which uses video, sms, flash cards. Watch learning bites at your convenience on your PC, laptop or mobile – have your coach in your pocket when you need them most!
Redundancy Program – it is always difficult to part with faithful employees without offering support – a well targeted job hunt and some suitable counselling or coaching allows the job-seeker to re-integrate more quickly into the employment market.
Finders partners with you to optimise the value of your team and thereby ensure the success of your business.
Linda Jaquillard