January has flashed by, so before we move well into the first quarter, I thought I’d share with you my vision for 2023 and the plans we have at Finders, which I hope will include you!
Recruitment Division
We are busy recruiting at least one new, experienced, consultant which we hope will allow us to better serve your needs in a speedy, efficient and professional manner.
With an almost 0 level of unemployment, quality candidates are at a premium. Clients wishing to recruit the best will have to offer attractive challenges and advantages in order to be chosen by the candidate over a competitor. As your supplier and representative, it is also our role to present all the advantages that your company has to offer. Speed, obviously, is also of the essence!
HR Consulting/Talent Development
I am happy to report that Claire Cathelaz-Larner is now broadening the scope of her interventions to include Europe. She is working on a challenging mandate in Belgium using our exclusive GAP performance diagnostic tool. Brigitte Jaquillard, based in the UK, is also starting a new team executive coaching mandate with a growing name, here in Switzerland, in the pharma sector.
We will again be participating to the Salon RH in October and hope you will be able to join us at our stand or for our conference which will probably take the form of a discussion/round table on a topical HR subject.
We are also organizing two on-line HR Lunch n’Learns and one in presence event. The on-line sessions will be interactive, exchanging on challenging issues in the HR world in order to benefit from everyone’s learning and best practices and the in person event will include a well known guest speaker…. More to come!
We are very proud to be entering into our 33rd year of existence on the market. We are equally proud to be able to partner with you and look forward to a continued collaboration throughout 2023!
Linda Jaquillard