We are pleased to invite you to our next online Lunch & Learn, which will be held on 4 May. It will be hosted by Linda Jaquillard, Director of Finders.
This free event will be dedicated to a sensitive issue in the world of human resources: the integrity of candidates. Diplomas, financial probity or even conflicts of interest, here are some of the elements on which candidates are not always transparent, and which can cause serious problems for companies.
Marc Tinguely, Background Check Consultant at Aequivalent, will address the issue of candidate integrity based on the study conducted in 2022 by this company. The Swiss leader in background checks for employees and managers, Aequivalent conducts an extensive annual survey highlighting non-compliances identified in applicants’ files.
This free Lunch & Learn will be held on Thursday 4 May 2023, from 12:30 to 13:15, by Teams.
The presentation is aimed at all HR professionals in Switzerland and abroad. It will be given in French and will be followed by a short question and answer session.
Would you like to attend? Confirm your presence by e-mail at this address: marina.macchion@finders.ch
Or join us directly here : Webinar candidates integrity. Meeting ID: 327 596 526 894. Passcode: TYmhpd