Alors que la génération Z fait son entrée sur le marché du travail, les recruteurs doivent faire preuve de créativité, en particulier dans les secteurs de la banque et des services financiers ! Chez Finders SA, nous avons remarqué une baisse du nombre de jeunes candidats pour les postes du secteur bancaire. Comment nous et […]
There’s no such thing as “The Perfect Match”!
Is there such a thing as “The Perfect Match” when it comes to recruitment ? Should companies wait until they find “The One” ? Or should they chose a Candidate even if he or she does not have all the required qualities? The same can be said of the Candidate – should they wait for the job of their dreams, only to miss out on The Perfect Match job-wise? This is what we are about to briefly explore and with some concrete examples.
Sourcing The Impossible!
With clients’ wish lists getting longer and longer or more and more specific, here at Finders we, as Recruiters, are regularly asked to source the impossible! Also goes without saying that linked to this is usually the need for a quick turn around and a short time frame.
The Handshake might be a thing of the past but Hiring still needs the Human Touch
Ever since that fateful day of Friday 13th (unlucky for some) March 2020 with lock down in Switzerland, things have not quite been the same. What became the new “normal” in terms of human contact and what impact has that had on recruitment from what I have seen since then?
The Employee Experience – Make or Break?!
Ideas to improve the Pre-Recruitment Employee Experience – Perception is not always the Reality! Combining the Employer and Employee experience to get the best results, defining what the #Employee Experience really is and how this can improve the recruitment and hiring process as well as potentially drive overall performance once onboard! In these unprecedented times […]
To be or not to be? The counter offer – True or False?
Here at Finders, we see our candidates getting counter offers more and more often, particularly in the banking sector. We thought it would be a useful topic to focus on from a client perspective. Should you make a counter-offer “as standard” to your employees when they come to resign – is there a right or […]