Deux fois par an, Finders rassemble ses Alumnis autour d’un apéritif dans une ambiance décontractée. Cette année, pour la première fois depuis 30 ans, l’événement qui rassemble les anciens candidats placés par Finders, a eu lieu virtuellement. Et ce fut une grande réussite ! Qu’est-ce que le Finders Alumni Club ? Un club professionnel qui se rassemble […]
The Women’s Way
As we gradually build hope in emerging from this pandemic, there are evident changes in what we perceive, the way we perceive it and how we move forward to a healthy, sustainable future. Our world is, I believe, now including and becoming increasingly appreciative of the feminine principle. After all this is the basis […]
2021 The way forward with Finders
Here we are at the beginning of another New Year! The difference this year with the previous is that we have very little visibility on what the year might bring due to the continuing challenges that COVID-19 is throwing at us all. In this light, my plan for Finders is to simply accentuate our core […]
Comment se rendre visible efficacement pendant la pandémie ?
Ces derniers mois nous avons tous connu une personne dans notre entourage qui s’est retrouvée en recherche active suite au COVID. Est-ce que je dois revoir mes prétentions à la baisse en termes de responsabilités, de salaires? Est-ce que je dois élargir mon périmètre géographique de recherche? Beaucoup de candidats se retrouvant sans emploi suite […]
Prise de poste et pandémie !
Combien de candidats me sollicitent depuis mars pour exprimer leur inquiétude quant à leur futur changement de poste ! Donner sa démission en plein confinement est-ce vraiment raisonnable ? Manager une nouvelle équipe sans avoir la possibilité de passer du temps physiquement avec elle ? Quitter son confort quotidien, où nous sommes en maitrise complète de l’écosystème humain […]
Introducing innovative new services for talent development
I can’t believe that there are only 45 days to Christmas! 2020 will go down in history as being the most extraordinary and the most challenging year. For some it has been a time of development, for most it has been a time for reflection, and above all for re-invention of who we are, what […]
New Normal, New Strategies, Many Messages.
How many new initiatives are you launching each month or even each week? I am not only referring to top level strategy here. They are happening on 3 levels: Organisational Team Individual. Small changes can make a big impact, if introduced in an inspiring and collaborative way. If all the positive adjustments being made are […]
The Employee Experience – after the recruitment!
Following on from my colleague’s article on “The employee experience, pre-recruitment” I thought it would be important to point out what might seem obvious, but is often forgotten or managed badly, is the Employee Experience post recruitment! I have been running Finders for 30 years. During this time, I have seen many candidates recruited for […]
?[REPLAY]? Lunch n’ Learn “Les facteurs de performance et d’engagement”
Our Lunch n’ Learn series continues and here we are with a second episode, which took place on July 2, 2020 with our Talent Development Consultant, Claire Cathelaz-Larner. For those who could not join us, we have GOOD NEWS for you. because the video is now available here. Stay tuned ? we are preparing new episodes and count on your presence ?. We would like to thank the participants for sharing their experiences and their impressions about the topic. See you soon ?
Newsletter June 2020
Dear Already half way through the year…. And what a year its been so far! Here at Finders we are doing our best to find innovative ways of doing our business and being of service to you. Here is just a small over-view of some of the new services we have to offer and new […]