Ideas to improve the Pre-Recruitment Employee Experience – Perception is not always the Reality! Combining the Employer and Employee experience to get the best results, defining what the #Employee Experience really is and how this can improve the recruitment and hiring process as well as potentially drive overall performance once onboard! In these unprecedented times […]
Blog FR
Comment sourcer des profils en pénurie ?
Les tensions subsistantes sur le marché du travail poussent les entreprises à redoubler leurs efforts pour trouver les meilleurs talents. Autrefois, lorsqu’un recruteur recherchait un profil, il se concentrait sur les « hard skills » mais désormais il se penche de plus en plus sur les « soft skills ». Aujourd’hui, comment devons-nous sourcer ces perles rares ? Voici quelques […]
We have long discussed and argued the merits of carrot over stick, but we still find criticism is the norm and a key component that stifles creativity and performance. I have just returned from Moscow where I was delivering coaching and workshops, during which I was reminded of just how fast we can unleash potential […]
The team or the leader? Why not both!
Leader AND Team Development Combining Individual Leadership and Team Talent Development to deliver best results, merging collective intelligence with emotional intelligence! A team of experts is not always an expert team! Technical skills versus Soft skills and Leadership skills Strong technical skills have placed individuals at the top of the company hierarchy, in charge of […]
Should I stay or should I go ?
Employee Retention and Engagement Résultats d’une enquête exclusive menée par Finders auprès de 25’000 individus sur la question de la rétention des employés. Un intérêt marqué pour la question de la rétention Plus de 600 employées et employés ont répondu à notre enquête, provenant de divers secteurs (Finance, RH, Marketing, Vente et IT), de différents […]
Recruitment Evaluation Techniques – A Summary by Finders SA
In a recent survey conducted by Finders, we asked the population, composed of HR Experts and Line Managers, and coming equally from large and mid-small sized companies, what were the most common techniques they used for recruiting their talent. The results were interesting and are explored in this article: The face-to-face Interview came out as […]
Are your recruitment and evaluation methods at the level of best practices in the industry?
According to the Business Dictionary, “Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring the best qualified candidates (from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner. “ The cost of a poor recruitment is immeasurable: fees, salary, time, business loss, time to refill, motivation effect on […]
Recrutement par vidéo différée : pour ou contre ?
A l’ère de la digitalisation, les activités liées aux ressources humaines telles que le recrutement ou la formation sont fortement touchées. On entend souvent parler de la digitalisation des RH mais alors qu’est-ce que cela sous-entend pour l’expérience-candidat ? En effet, avec l’arrivée des « Millenials » sur le marché de l’emploi, les entreprises regorgent d’idées innovantes […]
Il était une fois le marketing RH
A l’heure de la guerre des talents, les entreprises se doivent de redoubler d’efforts pour rendre leur proposition candidat attractive. Certaines populations d’experts sont sur-sollicitées, nos petits milleniums ont des critères de choix bien spécifiques. Les talents qui nous intéressent ont donc le choix. Attirer, recruter, engager puis fidéliser sont donc les enjeux principaux à […]
The leader defines the team
So how do we find and shape them to create a winning team? In team sports an enormous degree of importance is placed on attracting and keeping the best manager for the club, whether it be football, hockey, skiing or equestrian. Frequently from one season to the next the players remain virtually the same but […]