As you know, Finders offers you services to : As part of our OPTIMISE offering, we have developed 3 new services to help optimise employee retention: Onboarding Service Why – To help integrate newly recruited Managers and ensure their successHow – One 90 minute session prior to taking up the function, followed by one 90 […]
Finders SA acquired by Wicresoft North America
We are thrilled to share that Finders SA has joined forces with Wicresoft North America, a premier entity in digital transformation solutions and services. This union marks a significant step forward in our commitment to excellence.
Ciel, mon CV !
Valoriser son profil professionnel et mettre en valeur ses compétences s’avère être un casse-tête pour nombre de candidats. Malgré tous les contenus et les aides qui foisonnent à ce sujet sur la toile, c’est un exercice de style délicat de savoir parler de soi.
2024, another new year full of expectations and innovations!
With the New year already in full boom, I am happy to share with you some of our plans for the year as well as insights.
As ChatGPT seems to be the talk of the town at the moment, I thought I would share with you how we, at Finders, use this tool. We would like to underline that we DO NOT use it for evaluating or interviewing candidates.
The changing face of recruitment : from Rolodexes to AI wizards
Welcome to the world of the recruitment industry! I allowed myself a nostalgic moment, following the 33rd birthday of my first baby – Finders SA…
If you’ve been around since the ’90s, you’ll remember how much things have evolved from fax machines and Rolodexes. Let’s take a trip through time as we explore the transformation of recruiting.
Artificial intelligence takes HR by storm
The widespread use of AI tools, led by ChatGPT, is as worrying as it is fascinating. Its impact on the world of work is already being felt, with some companies using this technology, even if it means sacrificing jobs. HR is no exception, as AI takes on an ever-greater role. So how will artificial intelligence transform the world of human resources?
VivaTech 2023 : à la découverte des prochaines tendances RH !
On ne présente plus VivaTech !! Lancé en 2016, cet événement parisien est devenu un rendez-vous annuel et international majeur pour les acteurs de l’innovation, les start-up, les grandes entreprises et les investisseurs du monde entier. C’est l’un des plus grands événements technologiques d’Europe qui met en avant les dernières avancées, les innovations disruptives et les tendances émergentes dans différents secteurs de l’industrie.
New service and news from Finders
Only 6 more months until Christmas – doesn’t time fly!! It’s been a busy first 6 months of the year at Finders: We migrated to a new platform to manage our recruitment and HR Consulting activities which was not without its challenges. However, we are beginning to take advantage of the considerably advanced sourcing tools and techniques, and administration automation.
There’s no such thing as “The Perfect Match”!
Is there such a thing as “The Perfect Match” when it comes to recruitment ? Should companies wait until they find “The One” ? Or should they chose a Candidate even if he or she does not have all the required qualities? The same can be said of the Candidate – should they wait for the job of their dreams, only to miss out on The Perfect Match job-wise? This is what we are about to briefly explore and with some concrete examples.
Change Management : keeping a close eye on your stakeholders
Do you know who your stakeholders are at this point, even the “unofficial” ones, are there any new ones? Do you know where your stakeholders are standing right now? Why is this important when it comes to change management ?
If you don’t know the answers to these questions and a few others, you may end up not succeeding with your change initiative altogether.